Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015

I have been thinking a lot about my future, and although I am only 19 years old I really need to start getting my life together. 

I recently got required to withdraw from my University and that really opened my eyes. The first year i was in school, I was just fooling around and going out WAY too much and the second year I was there I told myself I would stop going out and ended up sitting in my room on youtube, tumblr, twitter, instagram etc. 
It is REALLY easy to procrastinate and waste time nowadays and I hate to have been so lazy and careless to my actions. 

Basically, I made this blog to get my life in order so I can remember my goals and see my progress.

When I got suspended from school, I kept it from my family for a few weeks and finally told them a few days ago. They freaked out. My sister said she would literally consider killing herself if she were in my position and my parents were obviously especially disappointed and angry. This took such an emotional toll on me - I think the worst part of all this was that I finally realized that if my parents were not there for me, I would have nothing -- and being a grown adult, I should have established at least part of my future which I had not and that is just bothering me SO much.

Ever since my chat with my family, my mom offered to pay for college which I was so grateful for - so I applied for college (finance + accounting) a few weeks ago and still have not gotten a response.

I worked for a restaurant for all of last summer, and am returning in 2 weeks to find a job there again this summer. 

My sister also told me that if I wanted to go into business and am doubting myself in math, I should take academic upgrading courses which are basically courses that mature students take to apply to College. I inquired about this and am going to an information session two days from now
She also asked me if I was interested in therapy counselling which I was because I do believe this could have been a mental problem with my motivation when I was in school. 

So right now, I have bolded the things I am doing to help me in the future and am still thinking of ways I can to make an even bigger change to be a more productive person!! 

If anyone does read this, I really would like some advice!